javier guaita veterinario xativa

Javier Guaita Colomer


Javier Guaita Colomer graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the CEU Cardenal Herrera University in 2002. During his time at the university, he served as an intern in the internal medicine department for two consecutive years and in the ophthalmology service for one year. After completing his studies, he underwent a one-year training program at the Ars Veterinaria reference veterinary hospital.

For a year, he worked as the veterinary head of the hospitalization service at the Veterinary Clinical Hospital of the CEU Cardenal Herrera University. During this period, he also pursued doctoral courses.

In 2006, he successfully completed the postgraduate course in veterinary ophthalmology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Like the rest of the Guaita Veterinaris team, he keeps his knowledge up-to-date by attending numerous theoretical and practical training courses and annual congresses.

He has undertaken several internships with specialists of renowned prestige in the fields of dermatology, diagnostic imaging, and surgery, which are currently his areas of interest. He has worked in various veterinary hospitals in the Valencian Community and Catalonia.

In 2008, with great enthusiasm and a desire to provide quality veterinary services to the Costera region, he founded L’Hospital Veterinaris de Xàtiva. After 15 years of hard work, he decided, not without much hesitation, to transform L’Hospital Veterinaris into a veterinary clinic without emergency services to balance his quality of life with his profession. This gave rise to Guaita Veterinaris, a place where you will find quality and local veterinary medicine.